Urine Diverting Dehydrating Toilet (UDDT)
Processed feces that are ready for use as a soil conditioner
A Urine Diverting Dehydrating Toilet (UDDT) separates the urine from the Feces at time of use. The urine is held for a short time in a container before use as a fertilizer while the feces is treated for a longer period with time and temperature to kill the pathogens.
A UDDT is simple to build and can be built from local material by local craftsmen. Use the information in chapter five to design your UDDT and solve your sanitation problem. Though the material can be substituted the design must be adhered to. It must be constructed above ground, be waterproof, and have 2 chambers. There must also be provisions to separate the urine from feces.
There are many advantages to using a UDDT:
· It does not use any water. In fact the toilet must be built watertight so no water can enter. The collection chamber (vault) is also sealed at ground level so no feces can leak out and contaminate the water or ground.
· There are no flies or odors.
· It is suitable for all types of users and the only item that needs to be decided at time of construction is whether to install a toilet or a squat pan.
· Once built the toilet will last forever, if maintained.
· The UDDT will provide vast improvement in health
· It supplies fertilizer that is adequate to grow enough food for the family. Food grown is of a higher quality and any extra food can be sold thereby increasing the families’ income.
· Women will no longer need to venture far from their house to use the facilities and fear attack or embarrassment. They will be safe in or near their home. The UDDT can even be attached to the house.